Welcome to Your Nanodegree
Create Project Sunshine
In this project, you will complete an app by building a layout
and populating its fields from data received as JSON.
03. Introducing Project Sunshine1:19
04. A Brief Intro to Android Studio0:51
05. Coding, GitHub and Flow1:57
06. Quiz: Coding, GitHub and Flow
07. Creating our First Project2:15
08. Android Min and Target Versions0:37
09. Setting Min and Target
10. Running Your Code3:06
11. Android Software Stack1:34
12. Activities, Packages, and Layouts3:50
13. Android Basics
14. Android Layouts Primer
15. Exercise Framing Favorite Toys00:00
15. Exercise Framing Favorite Toys
16. Exercise Toying with FavoriteToys2:49
16. Exercise Toying with FavoriteToys
17. Exercise See More FavoriteToys00:00
17. Exercise See More FavoriteToys
18. Visual Layout Editor00:00
19. Handling Different Screen00:00
20. Responsive Design00:00
21. Layout Managers00:00
22. Exercise Update Sunshine Layout
22. Exercise Update Sunshine Layout
23. Solution Update Sunshine Layout
24. Exercise Add Scrolling Weather00:00
24. Exercise Add Scrolling Weather
25. Solution Add Scrolling Weather
26. Recap00:00
Connect to the Internet
01. Introduction0:25
02. Logging2:56
03. Internet Toy App Intro00:00
04. Exercise Create a Layout00:00
04. Create a Layout
05. Resources
06. On Menus00:00
07. Exercise Add a Menu00:00
07. Add a menu
08. Exercise Build our URL00:00
08. Build our URL
09. Fetching an HTTP Request00:00
10. Permissions00:00
11. Permissions
12. Exercise Connect to the Internet00:00
12. Connect to the Internet
12.2 Exercise Connect to the Internet00:00
13. Thread Basics00:00
14. AsyncTask00:00
15. AsyncTask
16. Exercise Create an AsyncTask00:00
16. Create an AsyncTask
17. Exercise Missing Permissions00:00
17. Missing Permissions
18. Exercise Add Polish00:00
18. Add Polish
19. JSON Format00:00
20. Quiz JSON by Hand00:00
21. Quiz Parse JSON00:00
21. Parse JSON
22. Exercise Networking00:00
22. Exercise: Networking
23. Exercise Menus00:00
23. Menus
24. Exercise Add Loading Polish
24. Add Loading Polish
25. Refresh Bad!!!00:00
26. Recap00:00
Sandwich Club
01. Welcome to Sandwich Club
02. Sandwich Club – Instructions
03. Submission and Evaluation
Project Rubric – Sandwich Club
Project Description – Sandwich Club
01. Introduction00:00
02. Why RecyclerView00:00
03. How RecyclerView Works00:00
04. Using RecyclerView00:00
05. Why ViewHolders00:00
06. findViewByld() Calls
07. Visualizing ViewHolders00:00
08. Creating RecyclerView Layout00:00
09. Exercise Create RecyclerView
09. Create RecyclerView
10. Items and ViewHolders00:00
11. Exercise Items and ViewHolders00:00
11. Items and ViewHolders
12. RecyclerView and Adapters00:00
13. Adapters and RecyclerView
14. Creating an Adapter00:00
15. Exercise Create an Adapter
15. Create an Adapter
16. RecyclerView Layout Manager00:00
17. Wiring Up RecyclerView00:00
18. Exercise Wiring Up RecyclerView
18. Wiring Up RecyclerView
19. Visualizing Recycling00:00
20. Responding to Item Clicks00:00
21. Exercise Click Handling
21. Click Handling
22. Exercise Create a RecyclerView
22. Create a RecyclerView
23. Exercise Click Handling
23. Click Handling
24. Recap00:00
01. Introduction00:00
02. Sunshine App UX Mocks00:00
03. Intents Framework00:00
04. Explicit Intent Toy App00:00
05. Creating an Activity00:00
06. Exercise: Create an Activity
07. Creating an Intent00:00
08. Exercise: Start an Activity
09. Passing Data Between Activities00:00
10. Exercise: Pass Data
11. What are Implicit Intents00:00
12. Creating Implicit Intents00:00
13. Exercise: Open a Web Page
14. Understanding URIs00:00
15. Identify Parts of URIs
17. Exercise: Show a Map
18. Sharing is Caring!00:00
19. Media Types00:00
20. Implementing a Share Intent00:00
21. Exercise: Create a Share Intent
22. Explicit vs Implicit Intents
23. Exercise: Add a New Activity
24. Exercise: Send Data
25. Exercise: Add Sharing
26. Recap00:00
Popular Movies, Stage 1
01. Welcome to Popular Movies, Stage 1
02. Popular Movies, Stage 1 – Instructions
03. A Quick Guide to Lint, and Linting Your Project00:00
04. Submission and Evaluation
Project Rubric – Popular Movies, Stage 1
Project Description – Popular Movies, Stage 1
01. Introduction0:37
02. Why We Need an Activity Lifecycle00:00
03. Android Activity Lifecycle00:00
04. Reto on the Android Activity Lifecycle00:00
05. Exercise Lifecycle Events
05. Exercise: Lifecycle Events
06. Why does this Happen00:00
07. Save and Restore Instance State00:00
08. Exercise Persisting Data00:00
08. Exercise: Persisting Data
09. Exercise Fix the Lifecycle Display
09. Exercise: Fix the Lifecycle Display
10. App Termination00:00
11. Preparing for Termination00:00
12. Persisting Data With an Old Friend00:00
13. Exercise Persisting Data Part Two
13. Exercise: Persisting Data Part Two
14. AsyncTask and Loaders00:00
15. AsyncTaskLoader Advantages
16. Leveraging Loaders00:00
17. Exercise Add an AsyncTaskLoader
17. Exercise: Add an AsyncTaskLoader
18. Caching with Loaders00:00
19. Exercise Caching with Loaders
19. Exercise: Caching with Loaders
20. Exercise AsyncTaskLoader in Sunshine
20. Exercise: AsyncTaskLoader in Sunshine
21. Conclusion00:00
01. Introduction00:00
02. Introducing the Visualizer00:00
03. Visualizer Code00:00
04. Download the Code
04. Download the Code
05. Data Persistence00:00
06. Persistent Storage Options
07. Preference Fragments00:00
08. Setting up the Settings Activity00:00
09. Exercise Setup Settings (bien colado p…)
10. Making a PreferenceFragment00:00
11. Exercise Make a Preference Fragment
12. Reading From SharedPreferences00:00
13. Exercise Reading from SharedPreferences
14. Use Resources!00:00
15. Exercise Use Resources
16. Why Aren’t The Preferences Changing00:00
16. Why Aren’t The Preferences Changing?
17. Preference Change Listener00:00
18. Exercise Preference Change Listener
19. Add Two More Checkboxes00:00
20. Exercise Add Two More Checkboxes
21. List Preference00:00
22. Exercise List Preference
23. Preference Summary00:00
24. Exercise Preference Summary
25. Edit Text Preference00:00
26. Exercise Edit Text Preference
27. Edit Size Crashes00:00
28. Edit Text Preference Constraints
29. Exercise Edit Text Preference Constraints
30. Preferences in Sunshine00:00
31. Should it be a Setting00:00
32. Exercise Create the SettingsActivity in Sunshine00:00
33. Solution Create the SettingsActivity in Sunshine
34. Exercise Create the PreferenceFragment in Sunshine00:00
35. Exercise Update the MainActivity00:00
36. Conclusion00:00
Storing Data in SQLite
01. Introduction00:00
02. Why SQLite00:00
03. SQL Query
03. SQL Query
04. Waitlist ToyApp00:00
05. Creating the Contract00:00
06. Running Unit Tests00:00
07. Exercise Create the Contract
08. Creating the database00:00
09. Exercise Create The Database
10. Querying All Guests00:00
11. Exercise Query All Guests
12. Updating the Adapter
13. Exercise Update The Adapter00:00
14. Adding Guests00:00
15. Swap cursor00:00
16. Exercise Add Guests
17. Removing Guests00:00
18. Exercise Remove Guests
19. Exercise Sunshine Database
20. Exercise Invalid Inserts in
21. Exercise Resolve Conflicts
Content Providers
01. Introduction00:00
02. Content Providers00:00
03. Content Provider Advantages00:00
04. DroidTermsExample00:00
05. Exercise Setup QuizExample
06. Content Provider Permissions00:00
07. Exercise Add the Permission
08. The Content Resolver00:00
09. Four Basic Operations00:00
10. Uniform Resource Identifier00:00
11. Quiz TVTime
11. Quiz: TVTime
12. Solution TVTime
13. Actor Query
13. Actor Query
14. Solution Actor Query
15. Quiz Calendar Provider
15. Quiz: Calendar Provider
16. Solution Calendar Provider
17. Calling the ContentProvider00:00
18. Exercise Make an AsyncTask
19. Structure of the Data00:00
20. Working with Cursors Review00:00
21. Exercise Use the Cursor
22. Solution Use the Cursor
23. Conclusion00:00
Building a Content Provider
01. Introduction00:00
02. ToDo List Code00:00
03. Exercise Data Design00:00
03. Data Design
04. Steps to Create a Provider00:00
05. Create TaskContentProvider00:00
06. Exercise Create and Register a ContentProvider00:00
07. Define the URI Structure00:00
08. Wildcard Characters00:00
09. Quiz Design Task URIs
09. Design Task URIs
10. Exercise Change the Contract00:00
11. Build the URIMatcher00:00
12. Exercise Which Match
12. Which Match
13. Solution Which Match
14. Exercise Add a URIMatcher
15. A Small Note on Testing
16. Resolver to Database Flow00:00
17. Overview of Provider Functions00:00
18. Quiz Determine the CRUD Method
18. Determine the CRUD Method
19. Insert00:00
20. Hook it up to the UI00:00
21. Exercise Implement Insert
22. Query00:00
23. Display the Tasks00:00
24. Exercise Implement Query
25. Query for One Item00:00
26. Query for One Item Part Two00:00
27. Exercise Selection and SelectionArgs
27. Selection and SelectionArgs
28. Exercise Implement Delete00:00
29. Exercise Swipe to Delete00:00
30. Update00:00
31. getType00:00
32. Working ToDo List App!00:00
33. Applying This to Sunshine00:00
34. Testing00:00
35. Exercise Sunshine Content Provider and Query
36. Solution Sunshine Content Provider and Query
37. Exercise bulkInsert00:00
38. Solution bulkInsert
39. Exercise Add Delete Functionality
40. Solution Add Delete Functionality
41. Exercise Using a CursorLoader
42. Solution Using a CursorLoader
43. Exercise More Weather Details
44. Solution More Weather Details
45. Outro00:00
Android Architecture Components
01. Intro00:00
02. ToDo List App00:00
03. Intro to Room1:15
04. Exercise Creating an Entity4:16
06. Creating a DAO00:00
05. Column Name
07. Creating the Database00:00
08. Type Converters00:00
09. Quiz I hereby promise…
10. Exercise Save Task00:00
11. Exercise Query all Tasks in MainActivity00:00
12. Threads and Runnables00:00
13. Exercise Executors00:00
14. Exercise Delete Task00:00
15. Queries with Parameters00:00
16. Exercise Update Task00:00
17. Re-query for nothing00:00
18. LiveData and the Observer Pattern00:00
19. Exercise Adding LiveData00:00
20. Exercise Adding LiveData to AddTaskActivity00:00
21. ViewModel00:00
22. Exercise Adding the ViewModel00:00
23. Exercise Adding the ViewModel to AddTaskActivity00:00
24. A “Lifecycle” Surprise00:00
25. LifecycleOwners and LifecycleObservers00:00
26. The Repository
27. Recap00:00
Background Tasks
01. Introduction00:00
02. Running in the Background00:00
03. Hydration Reminder00:00
04. Services00:00
05. Services vs. Loaders00:00
06. Services vs. Loaders
07. Starting Services00:00
08. Running Services in the Background00:00
09. Intent Services00:00
10. Starter Code00:00
11. Quiz Get the Starter Code
11. Get the Starter Code
12. Plan for Adding an IntentService00:00
13. Exercise Add an IntentService00:00
14. Notifications00:00
15. Notifications in Oreo00:00
16. Pending Intents00:00
17. Exercise Notifications00:00
18. Notification Actions00:00
19. Exercise Adding Actions to Notifications00:00
20. Foreground Services00:00
21. Quiz Application Priority00:00
21. Application Priority
22. Issuing Reminders00:00
23. Scheduling Jobs00:00
24. Exercise Adding a JobService00:00
25. Exercise Schedule with FirebaseJobDispatcher00:00
26. Broadcast Receivers00:00
27. Exercise Show When Charging00:00
28. Exercise Getting the Current Battery State
29. Syncing Sunshine00:00
30. Exercise Synchronizing The Weather
31. Exercise SmarterSyncing
32. Exercise Sunshine FirebaseJobDispatcher
33. Exercise Sunshine Notifications
34. Conclusion00:00
Completing the UI
01. Introduction00:00
02. Views View Groups00:00
03. Quiz What will this look like
03. What will this look like?
04. Constraint Layout00:00
05. Installing the Constraint Layout Library
06. Design the Boarding Pass00:00
07. Adding Shapes and Images00:00
08. Adding Vector Images00:00
09. Exercise Constraint Layout
10. Data Binding00:00
11. Exercise Data Binding
12. Accessibility Internationalization00:00
13. Accessibility
14. Quiz Accessibility
14. Accessibility
15. Localization
16. Responsive Design00:00
17. Exercise Landscape Layout
18. Exercise Sunshine’s New Layout
19. Solution Sunshine’s New Layout
20. Exercise Sunshine Today’s List Item
21. Solution Sunshine Today’s List Item
22. Exercise Data Binding in Sunshine
23. Solution Data Binding in Sunshine
Polishing the UI
01. Introduction00:00
02. Android Design Principles00:00
03. Toy App00:00
04. Visual Mocks and Keylines00:00
05. Color Guidelines00:00
06. Quiz Choose a Color Scheme
07. Solution Choose a Color Scheme
08. Font Guidelines00:00
09. Changing Colors and Fonts00:00
10. Exercise Add Colors and Fonts!
11. Styles and Themes00:00
12. Style a Mail Layout00:00
13. Style Inheritance00:00
14. Exercise Create a New Style
15. Designing for Multiple Screens00:00
16. Screen Density00:00
17. Different Layouts00:00
18. Resource Folder Qualifiers00:00
19. Smallest Width Qualifier00:00
20. Choose the Qualifier
21. Creating a Tablet Layout00:00
22. Exercise Code a Custom Layout
23. Touch Selectors00:00
24. Exercise Code Your Own Selector
25. Moving on to Sunshine00:00
26. Exercise Add Colors, Fonts, and Dimensions
27. Solution Add Colors, Fonts, and Dimensions
28. Exercise Create and Apply Styles
29. Solution Create and Apply Styles
30. Exercise Add a Touch Selector
31. Solution Add a Touch Selector
32. Exercise Add Resource Qualifiers
33. Solution Add Resource Qualifiers
34. Outro of all Outros00:00
35. Next Steps!
Popular Movies, Stage 2
01. Welcome to Popular Movies, Stage 2
02. Popular Movies, Stage 2 – Instructions
03. Submission and Evaluation
Project Rubric – Popular Movies, Stage 2
Project Description – Popular Movies, Stage 2
Welcome to Advanced Android
Make your apps more responsive, and create a total user experience with home screen widgets, thirdparty libraries, and more. Also, learn to deeply integrate rich media, test user interfaces, and publish to Google Play.
01. Welcome to the Course!00:00
02. Guide to the Course Code
01. Introduction to Fragments0:55
02. Responsive Design00:00
03. Why Use Fragments00:00
04. Advantages of Fragments
05. Fragment Lifecycle00:00
06. Lifecycle Callbacks
07. Starting Code00:00
08. Create a Fragment00:00
09. Steps to Create a Fragment
10. Exercise Create BodyPartFragment
11. FragmentManager and Transactions00:00
12. More Fragments and Storing Variables00:00
13. Exercise Display Three Fragments
14. Practice Replacing a Fragment
15. Responding to Clicks00:00
16. Exercise Click Response and Saving State
17. Master List Fragment00:00
18. Exercise Create MasterListFragment
19. Communicating Between Fragments00:00
20. Define an Interface00:00
21. Exercise Interface Communication
22. Communicate Between Activities00:00
23. Exercise Communicate Between Activities
24. Exercise Two Pane Layout00:00
25. Fragments Outro00:00
01. Introduction to Libraries00:00
02. A Library You’ve Already Used
03. When to Use Libraries00:00
04. Quiz When to Use Libraries
05. Find Library Intro00:00
06. How to Find a Library
07. Choose a Library00:00
08. Explore a Library00:00
09. Quiz Exploring a Library
09. Quiz: Exploring a Library
10. Exercise Explore Starter Code00:00
11. Explore the Starter Code Bitmap Utils
12. Explore Starter Code Outro00:00
13. Exercise Add Gradle Dependency00:00
14. Exercise Detect Faces Intro00:00
15. Detecting Faces
15. Detecting Faces
16. Detect Faces00:00
17. Exercise Get Probabilities00:00
18. Overlay Emoji Intro00:00
19. Exercise Map to Emojis00:00
20. Set Probability Thresholds00:00
21. Exercise Overlay Emoji – Step 1
22. Overlay Emoji – Step 200:00
23. Overlay Emoji Outro00:00
24. Exercise Must Have Libraries
25. Must Have Libraries Outro00:00
26. Libraries Outro00:00
Firebase Cloud Messaging
01. Introduction to FCM00:00
02. Squawker is Cool00:00
03. Quiz Polling vs. Pushing00:00
03. Polling vs. Pushing
04. Introduction to FCM00:00
05. Overview of the Starting Code00:00
06. Quiz Add an Instructor
06. Quiz: Add an Instructor
07. What is Firebase00:00
08. Make a New Firebase Project00:00
09. Exercise Connect Firebase and the Squawker App
10. Exercise Send Your First FCM Message00:00
11. Exercise Introduction to Message Data00:00
12. Exercise Sending to a Specific Phone00:00
12. Exercise: Sending to a Specific Phone
13. Notification vs. Data Messages00:00
14. Exercise Create Firebase Messaging Service00:00
15. Foreground vs. Background00:00
16. Sending to Multiple Devices00:00
17. Topics for Squawker
18. Exercise Implement Topic Following00:00
19. There’s More to Learn about FCM00:00
20. FCM Outro00:00
01. Introduction to Places00:00
02. ShushMe Source Code
03. How Location Works00:00
04. Google Play Services00:00
05. API Key Setup Instructions
06. Including the API Key00:00
07. API Documentation
08. Starter Code00:00
09. Google API Client00:00
10. Exercise GoogleAPIClient
11. Place Picker00:00
12. Exercise Place Picker
13. Get Place by ID00:00
14. Places API Privacy and Attribution
15. Exercise GetPlaceById
16. Geofences00:00
17. Geofencing vs. GPS Polling
18. Geofencing00:00
19. Geofence Transitions00:00
20. Exercise Geofences
21. Tips and Tricks for Testing Location Apps00:00
22. Exercise Silent Mode
23. Places Outro00:00
Media Playback
01. Introduction to Media Playback00:00
02. Player UI Structure00:00
03. Audio Video00:00
04. Comparing Players00:00
05. Media Formats00:00
06. Exercise Download Starting Code
07. Starting Code Overview00:00
08. Add ExoPlayer Intro00:00
09. Exercise Add SimpleExoPlayerView00:00
10. Exercise Customize SimpleExoPlayerView
11. Exercise ExoPlayer Event Listening00:00
11. ExoPlayer Event Listening
12. Add Media Session – Part 100:00
13. ExoPlayer Event
14. Exercise Add Media Session – Part 200:00
15. Exercise MediaStyle Notification00:00
16. Introduction to Audio Focus and Extra ExoPlayer Features00:00
17. Audio Focus and Extra ExoPlayer Features
01. Introduction to Widgets00:00
02. What is an App Widget00:00
03. My Garden App00:00
04. PlantUtils Code
05. Creating Your First App Widget00:00
06. RemoteViews00:00
07. My Garden Widget00:00
08. Exercise Create a Simple Widget
09. Widget Margins
10. Background Tasks for Widgets00:00
11. WateringService
12. Exercise Add a Watering Service
13. Widget Updates via IntentServices00:00
14. Exercise UpdateWidgets Service
15. Water Individual Plants00:00
16. Sending Extras to IntentService
17. Exercise Adding More Features
18. Resizing Widgets00:00
19. AppWidgetManager Options00:00
20. GridViews in Widgets00:00
21. PendingIntent Templates00:00
22. Exercise GridView
23. Widgets Summary
01. Is that Espresso in My Tea00:00
02. Quiz Welcome to the World of Testing00:00
02. Quiz: Welcome to the World of Testing
03. Welcome to the World of Testing00:00
04. Quiz TeaTime Starting Code Walkthrough
04. Quiz: TeaTime Starting Code Walkthrough
05. Exercise Write a Basic Espresso Test00:00
06. Exercise Test AdapterViews with Espresso
07. Test Intents with Espresso00:00
08. Intent Stubbing vs. Intent Verification
09. Intent Stubbing Code Example
10. Intent Verification Code Example
11. Exercise Add Intent Test in TeaTime
12. Introduction to Espresso Idling Resources00:00
13. When to Use Idling Resources—–quiz
13. When to Use Idling Resources
14. Idling Resource Code Sample – Part 1
15. Idling Resource Code Sample – Part 2
16. Basic Idling Resource Code Sample
17. Return via Callback in MainActivity
18. Add Idling Resource Test in Sample App00:00
19. Exercise Add IdlingResourceActivityTest in TeaTime00:00
20. Explore Espresso Further
21. The Wider World of Testing
22. Espresso Outro00:00
Publishing Your App
01. Introduction to Publishing00:00
02. Publishing Process
03. Exercise Publishing Process
04. Exercise Policy Agreements00:00
05. Exercise Quality Testing00:00
06. Exercise Determining App Setup
07. Prep for Release-Ready APK
08. Exercise Prep for Release-Ready APK
09. Exercise Configuring Your App for Release
10. Exercise Building Your App for Release
11. Exercise Testing Your App for Release
12. AlphaBeta Testing
13. Exercise AlphaBeta Testing
14. Pre-Launch Report
15. Exercise Store Listing, Play Badge Linking
16. Exercise You’re Ready to Publish!
17. Exercise Engage and Grow User Base
17. Engage and Grow User Base
18. Success on Google Play00:00
Baking App
01. Welcome to the Baking App Project!
02. Sample Mocks
03. Submission
Project Rubric – Baking App
Project Description – Baking App
Introduction to Digital Analytics
01. How Does Your Garden Grow00:00
02. Course Outline00:00
03. Analytics Let the Data Drive00:00
04. Check out Flood-It!00:00
05. Download Flood-It!
06. Demo of Flood-It!00:00
07. Measurement Planning00:00
08. Goal of Measurement Planning
09. Identifying Goals00:00
10. Go for the Goals
11. The Plan00:00
12. Meet Goals with In-App Purchases00:00
13. Planning
14. Planning – Conclusion00:00
15. The Plan for Your Goals
16. Are We There Yet00:00
17. KPI
18. KPI for Flood-It!
19. Analytics in Action00:00
Introduction to Firebase Analytics
01. Intro Flood-It!00:00
02. Firebase Analytics Intro00:00
03. Analytics for Flood-It!00:00
04. Access Demo Project
05. Date Range and Filters00:00
06. Date Range and Filters
06. Quiz: Date Range and Filters
06.2 Quiz: Date Range and Filters
07. Dashboard Reports00:00
08. Exploring Analytics Events00:00
09. Events Scavenger Hunt
10. Tracking Events00:00
11. Automatically Collected Events
12. Conversion Events00:00
13. Conversion Events in Flood It
14. Audiences00:00
15. Funnels00:00
16. Design a Funnel
17. Summary Flood-It!00:00
Implementing In-App Analytics
01. Intro Implementing In-App Analytics00:00
02. Introducing the Green Thumb App00:00
03. Setting Up Green Thumb
04. Running the App
05. Firebase Automatically Collected Events00:00
06. Suggested Events00:00
06. Suggested Events
07. Logging Events00:00
08. Exercise Implementing Log to Cart Event
09. Exercise Event Logging Practice
10. User Properties – Part 100:00
11. User Properties – Part 200:00
12. Setting User Properties00:00
13. Exercise Setting User Properties
14. Summary Implementing In-App Analytics00:00
Analytics Integration
01. Intro Analytics Integration00:00
02. Track Certain Groups of Users with Audiences00:00
03. Create an Audience
04. Using Audiences
05. Fix Crashes with Crash Reporting00:00
06. Crash Reporting in Green Thumb00:00
07. Exercise Crash Reporting in Green Thumb
08. Improve Your App with Remote Config00:00
09. Remote Config in Green Thumb00:00
10. Exercise Remote Config in Green Thumb
11. Tailored First-Time User Experience with Dynamic Links00:00
12. Dynamic Links in Console
13. Dynamic Links in Green Thumb00:00
14. Exercise Handle Dynamic Links
15. Summary Analytics Integration00:00
16. Conclusion00:00
01. Introduction