Shell Workshop

Bootcamp AI


19 Lessons

Shell Workshop

01. Introduction to Unix ShellPreview
02. Intro to the Shell2:00
03. Windows: Installing Git Bash2:08
04. Opening a terminal1:25
05. Your first command (echo)1:31
06. Navigating directories (ls, cd, ..)1:25
07. Current working directory (pwd)1:25
08. Parameters and options (ls -l)1:11
09. Organizing your files (mkdir, mv)1:37
10. Downloading (curl)1:59
10. Downloading (curl) 20:40
11. Viewing files (cat, less)1:10
12. Removing things (rm, rmdir)1:04
13. Searching and pipes (grep, wc)2:28
14. Shell and environment variables1:55
15. Startup files (.bash_profile)2:19
16. Controlling the shell prompt ($PS1)1:45
17. Aliases1:44
18. Keep learning!0:32

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